Monday, September 5, 2011

Commentary: Why Isn't the BOE Concerned?

Ed McKeon is co-founder of the Middletown Eye, and a current candidate for Board of Education.  The following commentary appeared in the Middletown Press.  To read the full commentary, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

When it was revealed on Aug. 26 that two Middletown Elementary Schools have failed to make Annual Yearly Progress (AYP), and as such are obliged to offer parents and students “school choice,” I would have expected to see Board of Education members demanding answers from the school administration.

One did. To her credit, Sheila Daniels, on first hearing the news, demanded a meeting be called to find out more.

Remaining members, including Chairman Ted Raczka, seemed to greet the news with a universal shrug.

To read the rest of this commentary, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And can someone explain to me why Bielefield has two kindergarden teachers with each having 22-24 kids in each class? Bieldefield and Farm Hill sent 6-7 kids to Wesley and then Wesley gets another kindergarten teacher to help. Keeping there class numbers to 15 or so. So let me get this straight...Keep the class numbers high at Bieldefield, so the teacher does more disciplining than teaching and this is suppose to 'help' with our scores. OR is it because Bielefield has more minorities and in general and they don't speak up as much. So who cares, right BOE? Well I care.
Take away your raises and hire another teacher instead of shifting students around.