Friday, November 5, 2010

Union Releases Statement on BOE Assault

From Council 4 AFSCME

This morning Middletown Board of Education business manager Nancy Haynes assaulted payroll supervisor Christine Bourne, who is a member of AFSCME Local 466.

Ms. Bourne has filed charges over the incident, at which witnesses were present.

The assault occurred when Ms. Haynes attempted to physically detain Ms. Bourne and prevent her from meeting with her union representative.

Our union will not tolerate conduct that is clearly illegal and part of a continuing campaign of harassment against bargaining unit employees.


Anonymous said...

Chris stand strong we are all behind you. Nancy Haynes should be fired. Michael it's time for you to put the pitbull down once and for all. I wonder what would happen at the BOE if Nancy were gone; would the problems somehow END??

Anonymous said...

ed what union official forwarded this letter to you because it sounds like something they should write for some of us out on the outskirts of town but turn a blind EYE. please give the name ed we need help out here!

Anonymous said...

There is a BOE meeting that will be held at City Hall on Tuesday night, Nov 9th... I encourage everyone to attend! We need to take back our school system so our teachers can teach and our students can learn in a safe environment. Parents PLEASE COME and speak up for your children if we all come they will have to listen!!! Remember, parents WE are the voices of our children, we cannot let the bullys in the school set the precedence. Our children are afraid, the Administration turns their heads, the students who are being bullied are having their classes changed so they don't have to face the person who is bullying them.. what is this, the bully should be removed not the child who is being harassed. PLEASE COME NOVEMBER 9th

Anonymous said...

How does the Superintendent keep his job through all of this? The middle and high school are burning, his employees are a disaster and the culture is one of arrogance and isolation. We're all fed up. It's time for a change.