Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Earle Roberts Nominated to Run For State Representative in 34th

Republican delegates, in a vote of 6-3 have elected former Common Council member Earle Roberts to run for State Representative in the 34th district.  Roberts will run against incumbent Democratic state representative Gail Hamm.

At the delegate convention, Roberts received all six votes from East Hampton delegates, while the three delegates from Middletown are reported to have voted against Roberts.

Roberts ran as an independent in the November election for Common Council after being rejected as a candidate by the Republican town committee, despite his years of service on the council, and his position as a potential incumbent.  Roberts lost his run as an independent, and Republican candidate Deborah Kleckowski, who had defected from the Democratic town committee, was elected into the Republican seat on the council left open by Roberts.

"The state and you and I need some fiscal management," Roberts said.  "We need someone to say, 'no.'  And no more b.s."

Roberts cited and end to unfunded mandates, regionalization and and end to redundant services as goals should he be elected to the state legislature.

"We also need to encourage new high-tech manufacturing to get on board in the state," Roberts said.  "That's what pays the bills and brings some tax reprieve back to the communities."

Saying that he hopes to retire his opponent, Gail Hamm, Roberts indicates that he's dismayed with her complicity in passing the recent state budget, which borrows a billion dollars to deal with a drop in revenue.  Roberts said that the Democratically-controlled legislature, "just hasn't gotten the message."

"I want people to know there is a choice," Roberts said.  "It may be a hard pill to swallow, but that's what they invented the mortar and pestle for

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