Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who did you vote for?

Like Ed, I've talked to lots of folks in the past week who are trying to figure out who to vote for. And after spending the first four hours of election day at the polls at Macdonough, my entirely unscientific opinion is that more people are undecided than ever.

Personally, I'll be voting later this evening, and though I know what most of my choices will be, there are a few positions that I'm still undecided on.

I'm not trying to mess with the Privacy of the Ballot -- but if you are willing to anonymously share who you voted for (and why), please add a comment to this post - I know it would be helpful to me and others who haven't yet cast their vote. (We won't approve comments that slander candidates you don't support - but it's fine to tell us who you won't be voting for as long as the discussion stays courteous.)

When you post your comment, please be sure to check the anonymous button before you click send!


Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for every single slot.

For Board of Ed, I voted for democrat Bill Grady and republicans Sheila Daniels, Ryan Kennedy.

For Council, I voted for republicans Earle Roberts, and Deborah Klekowski and democrats Vinnie Loffredo and Ron Klattenberg.

For Planning and Zoning, I voted for Quentin Phipps and Bill Johnson

I was looking for candidates who won't be afraid to change things and who I think are mostly honest.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Drew; but it was somewhat of a tossup for me.

I voted for mostly Republicans on the Board of Ed. after attending a couple of BoE meetings.

I voted for Loffredo, Klattenberg and Daley and Roberts.

All the vague politicking doublespeak made me sleepy.

Anonymous said...

Mayor: Giuliano.

Council: Loffredo, Kleckowski, Bauer, Roberts, and Klattenberg.

BoE: Gaarder, Daniels, Grady

BAA: Antonucci

P&Z: Phipps, Adams, Borrelli
P&Z alternate: Johnson

Anonymous said...

Straight Republican. They are pro citizen and maybe if the council is a single party something will get done. In the past unfortunately the Mayor was defeated by the Dem council simply because of his party affiliation.

Anonymous said...

* comment 11:09 correction Earle Roberts is running unaffliated to the Republicans-

Anonymous said...

For Mayor I voted for Dan Drew. It was a close call at first--but Drew edged out because he has the potential to move Middletown forward in a progressive fashion, and with a plan. Over the last four years our current Mayor has proven that he does not have a creative vision for the future of Middletown, he has shown no ability to think outside the box. I believe that Dan Drew, is less beholden to Middletown insiders then Mr.Giuliano, and that he will listen to, and honestly consider the thoughts and ideas of ALL Middletown residents, and after doing so, come to a creative "new" vision for our city, and remain consistent as an advocate for his plan. He also got my vote because in the closing days of the election he did what he said he was going to do, at the same time expressing an interest in my ideas about Middletown's future. Something Seb has never done.
For Council I voted for Loffredo, Klattenberg, Klekowski, Baer, Santangelo, Steeto.
For P&Z Johnson, and Maloney.
For BOE Barka,Russo, Kilian

Anonymous said...

The best visions for middletown equal dan drew, q phipps, b johnson etc etc.... creativity through leadership that lands a great position for the town!!! good luck to everybody!!

Linda said...

I voted a straight Republican ticket. We need a change, we need to have a Republican majority on both the Council and the Board of Education.

I am not happy that the Board of Education has hired new administrators over the last year and then laid off custodians and paraprofessionals that actually work in the classroom with our students. I am not happy as to how the decision was made about leveling at Keigwin. I am not happy the Board of Education/ the Board administration chooses not to adhere to the union contracts that they have in place. I believe that there needs to be more accountability on the financial activities at the Board.

I believe that the current Mayor needs to have a Council that will actually work WITH HIM rather than against him.

I voted Republican.

Anonymous said...

I'm a middle-aged life-long democrat who finds herself voting more and more republican on the local level.
Mayor: Guiliano
Council: Stefurak, Bauer, Klattenburg, Santangelo
BOE: Ryan Kennedy
BOAA: Wilson, Pulino
P&Z: Borelli, Phipps, & Fazzino

Anonymous said...

For Anonymous at 12:59 and 1:04, Dan Drew hasn't given any of his ideas, and that's because he has none. He hasn't given any ideas on ANYTHING. Mayor Giuliano has vision, he just doesn't have any help on the council. The ideas he has tried have been voted down by the democrats. Like he has said, give him 2 years with a republican council, and if he still hasn't come thru for the city, we vote them all out.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Dan Drew. He is ambitious and his plan to solicit grants could bring money and projects to Middletown.

I'm not aware of anything Giuliano accomplished other than complain that he can't get anything done because he can't work with other people on the council. A good mayor should be able to reach a compromise with people that disagree with him.

Anonymous said...

It was a tough decision as a progressive liberal I voted for more R's than ever this year.

Mayor: Giuliano
Council: Faulkner, Pessina, Scarozzo, Kasper, Klattenberg, Santangelo, Stefurak
P&Z: Phipps, Fazzino
BoE: Daniels, Barka, Kennedy
BoAA: Wilson, Pulino

As You can see I left some blank. I am only voting for people that I really believed in and felt confident enough in my decision to vote for. I swayed between the two mayoral candidates, but just didn't feel like I knew enough about Drew to be confident. Mainly though I wanted BIG changes on the school board and think the Dem's need to be cleared out of there until some new leadership is ready!

Anonymous said...

I voted all Republican and for Chris Bourne. I'm a dem but I don't like what I'm seeing in Middletown democrats. Council meetings are horrific with all the yelling and grandstanding and I like the personality of Mayor Giuliano. He's a real guy who knows what we are facing in the trying times ahead. Dan Drew may be a real nice guy but at 29 he not only has no public administration experience he has very little life experience. How can you run a City the size of Middletown when you yourself haven't been in the workplace all that long. No offense meant but I wouldn't vote for my child either! I wanted experience but not those that bring drama to our City.

Anonymous said...

Mayor - Giuliano
Council - Republican

I was most dismayed with BOE democrats this year. I can't believe how our public schools are being run by the administration. I voted for Giuliano and a Republican Council because I think the Mayor is right in saying that he can't move Middletown forward with people who can't or won't work with him. I agree with what someone else said - give the Republican's a chance and if not, in 2 years we can move in a different direction.

Anonymous said...


CC--Bauer, Kasper, Klekowski, Faulkner, Loffredo, Streeto

BoE--Democrats except Daniels instead of Grady

Everything else--Democrats and Bill Johnson

Anonymous said...

The Mayor was willing to sign an agreement with the Unions to help make up for lost money in the budget, but the concession package proposed was rejected by the Common Council because Giuliano is a Republican and they are Democrats and can't get over their party lines. CIty workers took concessions so taxes wouldn't go up. Giuliano voted to keep all funding to the Arts that he could. I to agree: Mayor Giuliano has vision, he just doesn't have any help on the council.The Dem BOE has run rampant over the city hiring who ever they want yet the rest of the city has a hiring freeze to save the tax payer money-

Although I hated Bush, on a city level I voted Republicans for every position- let Middletown have a prayer-

Anonymous said...

I voted straight democratic line...

its time for a change

Anonymous said...

Like so many others, I voted for many more Republicans than Democrats this year because I am sick of the Democrats double talk, the way they set up the mayor, and because of the way the democrat town committee operates like a dictatorship full of nepotism and good old boys. But We the People keep voting in the same old bullsitters, and here we go again, the same old bullsitters have just gotten reelected. Four more years of crap.